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3. Building an inspiring culture founded on its talented people and state-of-the art infrastructure and environment with eyes firmly locked on a bright and prosperous future.

Great Foundations

Initiatives for 2012-13 Performance indicators/ measurable outcomes Projected Status Update as of March 31, 2013
Finalize and begin rollout to support the implementation of the new 2012-2017 Strategic Plan. New plan approved by the Board of Governors. Achieved: Strategic Plan approved by Board of Governors in June 2012.
Cross-functional teams formed to support implementation of priority initiatives and Seneca Strategies. Rescheduled: Taskforces/teams established.
Five-year plan for implementation completed. In Progress: Ongoing into 2013-14.
Build leadership capacity within our organization. New leadership development strategy implemented. In Progress: Programs supporting new leadership development at College launched. Ongoing into Fiscal 2013-14.
More managers enrolled in Seneca's leadership foundation program. Achieved: Launched Seneca Management Foundations Program in December 2012. 37 managers had attended the first four learning modules as of March 2013.
Introduction of revised performance management system for support staff. In Progress: Additional professional development resources created. Support staff specific programming to be explored in 2013-14. Ongoing into 2013-14.
Develop robust recruitment and selection practices. Recruitment forms simplified and workflow process streamlined. In Progress: Forms revised. Development of electronic versions in progress. Process workflow redesigned.
Manager's toolkit to aid in hiring process developed and implemented. In Progress: New Recruitment team launched; responsible for evaluating performance outcomes and metrics. Launch of applicant tracking system completed.
Key Human Resources metrics tracked and analyzed. In Progress: Analytics plan in development. Ongoing into 2013-14.
Seneca values incorporated into selection process. In Progress: Seneca values included in Management Foundations training. Evaluation tool for recruitment to be introduced in 2013-14.
Implementation of new Human Resources Information System. Vendor selected and college-wide transition plan developed. In Progress: Human Resources staff working directly with Information Technology Services to support all aspects of i3 project including development of Human Resources Information System.
Develop Academic Resource Planning support tools and guidelines to assist Chairs and Deans. Enhanced Resource Planning framework and tools developed. Rescheduled: Program review and financial analysis template completed for review by Deans group and piloting. Changing responsibilities has delayed further development of existing tools.
Review endowment strategy and performance to ensure optimal income/payout rates ensured. Investment review completed and steps taken to protect principal and increase investment returns. In Progress: Review underway; cash flow forecast has begun and financial consultant candidates currently being screened. Ongoing into 2013-14.
Seneca's student aid endowment strengthened through major gift solicitations, annual campaigns and leveraging existing partnerships. In Progress: The first annual Campaign for Students raised more than $100,000 for student aid; lapsed donors from previous year contacted for renewal; ten new major gifts secured.
Initiate a comprehensive approach to risk management across college initiatives. Inventory of current risk management practices and gap identification completed. Achieved: Project approved in Fall 2012 and launched.
Develop Strategic Enrolment Management initiatives. Long-term enrolment plans for all campuses reviewed and updated. Achieved: New approach to Strategic Enrolment Management launched under the guidance of a crossfunctional committee chaired by Vice- President Academic.
Student recruitment plan revised to reflect new marketing strategy. Achieved: Review of all recruitment activities completed. Annual recruitment and external marketing plans revised.
Integrate information systems to support streamlined business processes and improved services. Vendor selected for i3 project and implementation plan developed. Achieved: Vendor selected. Governance model approved and in place.
Improve Information Technology Services support and capability. New operational plan for Information Technology Services developed and implemented. Achieved: New operational plan developed and implemented.
All employees have access to instant messaging and web conferencing systems. Achieved: Employees have access to instant messaging and web conferencing systems completed.
Construction of private cloud data centre environment initiated. Achieved: Seneca cloud data centre launched.
Improve approach to space planning. Seneca Space Planning and Infrastructure Committee established. New process for capital approvals implemented. Achieved: Committee mandate approved. Capital approvals processes now part of integrated planning approach.
Course selection procedures reviewed. Plan for revisions developed; pilot underway in at least one faculty. Achieved: Course based registration for Liberal Arts programs post-first semester implemented.
Continue integration of planning across departments. Seneca's business, capital and operating, and human resource planning integrated into the same calendar cycle, with strong links to the academic and strategic plans. Achieved: New integrated planning process launched in August 2012. Departmental level business planning tied to process for budgeting and new resource requests.
Improve integration of departmental activities to create a single college research system. New research advisory committee to create a set of Seneca research protocols and systematize the sharing of research-related information. Achieved: New Applied Research and Innovation protocols and services identified & implemented for information sharing, faculty outreach & partnership engagement.
Implement new review system and Research Ethics Board terms of reference. Achieved: New forms, procedures, and terms of reference established & implemented.
Creation of central repository for information and metrics related to applied research and scholarly activity. Achieved: New Applied Research and Innovation project database created for metrics capture and analysis. New website created and implemented for communicating information related to Seneca applied research, including grant opportunities.
Review current college services to enhance service value. Engineering assessment of parking lots at Newnham, Markham and King campuses conducted and implementation commenced on new parking systems. In Progress: New parking system at Markham and King campuses completed in Winter 2013. To be expanded to Newnham campus to in Spring 2013.
New tracking system introduced for inter-campus courier service. In Progress: Under review by College Services Advisory Committee.
Support implementation of Campus Master Plans through better coordination of capital asset and cash flow planning. Complete long-term capital asset plan review in conjunction with the development of a multi-year cash flow management plan. Achieved: Long-term capital asset plan review completed.
Move King campus expansion project forward on scheduled timelines. Partner agreement reached with the York Regional Police. Not Achieved: York Regional Police decision to not participate in Phase 1 of King Campus expansion reached in November 2012.
Functional space plan and site servicing analysis completed. Achieved: Functional space plan and site servicing analysis completed in Fall 2012.
Design process commenced. Rescheduled: Design process currently under review by Infrastructure Ontario. Ongoing into Fiscal 2013-14.
King community long-term outreach plan developed. In Progress: Dependent on launch of Request for Proposal by Infrastructure Ontario.
Articulate fundraising priorities for the King campus expansion project. Background research, community consultation exercises, and naming opportunities evaluation completed. Achieved: Background research and policies on naming opportunities and asset evaluations completed.
Campaign counsel secured and engaged; all policies updated. Achieved: Relevant policies reviewed in accordance with campaign requirements.
Enhance Seneca facilities for students, faculty and staff members. Eaton Hall review completed and strategic direction decided. Achieved: Detailed Facility Upgrade Report completed in September 2012. Eaton Hall to continue to be used to support academic programming and internal events.
Completed upgrading of student lounge seating at King, Markham and Seneca@York. Achieved: All student lounge seating at King, Markham and Seneca@York installed. New library furniture at Newnham and exterior furniture for Newnham and York in place.
Create more Active Learning Classrooms. One Active Learning Classroom on each campus identified and created. In Progress: Active Learning Classrooms for each campus identified. Layouts generated and technical specifications being compiled. Proposed completion date in May 2013.
Develop integrated approach to learning spaces. Consultations with Information Technology Services, Centre for Academic Excellence, Deans and Chairs, Seneca Student Federation and Facilities carried out to inform a holistic approach to teaching and learning spaces across various projects. In Progress: Collaboration occurring across all functional areas with respect to various projects. Ongoing into 2013-14.