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2. Innovative Partnerships

In five years, Seneca will be the preferred partner for colleges and universities, offering the most innovative pathways for students in Ontario.

Initiatives for 2015-16 Performance indicators/
measurable outcomes
End-of-Year Status Update
Initiate development of two new joint degrees with university partners. Curriculum framework developed for two new joint degrees with university partners. Achieved: Curriculum framework for joint degree programs discussed with York University and Brock University.
Expand partnerships and pathways with Ontario universities and colleges. Two new pathway proposals with university partners submitted to ONCAT and approved by March 2016. Achieved: Two new pathway proposals submitted to ONCAT; awaiting results.
Two college-to-college pathways established with partner institutions by March 2016. In Progress: One proposal submitted to ONCAT with Cambrian College; awaiting results. Currently in discussions with Humber College.
Continue provincial leadership with ONCAT. At least one new ONCAT research funding proposal approved by March 2016. Achieved: Two proposals submitted to ONCAT; awaiting results.
One hundred new equivalencies added to ONCAT’s course-to-course database by March 2016. Achieved:New equivalencies established for upload.
Expand research reach of the Centre for Research in Student Mobility. At least one proposal approved for international funding for research by the Centre for Research in Student Mobility by March 2016. In Progress: Continuing discussions underway with international sources for research funding.