Learn more about the academic programs we are delivering in Summer 2024. If you have any questions about part-time studies, please contact us.



Prayer Rooms

Multi-faith spaces for staff and students are available at the four main campuses:

  • King Campus - Garriock Hall, Room 1156
  • Markham Campus - Lobby Level, Room M175
  • Newnham Campus - Room A1512
  • Seneca@York Campus – Room 2147

Religious Observances
Seneca College will accommodate students for religious observances to the greatest extent possible, pursuant to the College's Discrimination and Harassment Policy and the Ontario Human Rights Code. Students who require absences from class as a result of observing a designated religious holiday should notify their Professor/Instructor as far in advance as possible to arrange for any missed classroom work, assignments and/or tests. Measures, wherever possible, could include alternative assignments, additional assigned readings, extension of deadlines, and the rescheduling of tests.