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CGC510 - Clothing Construction V

This subject is designed for students to explore, research and apply creative and specialized sewing techniques. A series of samples using specialty fabrics will be produced to develop proficiency in these techniques. Students will also develop construction samples to support their own signature collection.


DSW512 - Collection Design Research

This subject deals with advanced theories of design, colour and fabrication, and the practical application of these principles of design in the fashion industry. Major emphasis is placed on critical research, design development and problem-solving aimed at original marketable designs for the target consumer. Multiple approaches to design will be practiced encouraging the development of the student's individual style.


PRM501 - Production Methods: Apparel Industry & Qual.Cntrl.

Quality control is the process of maintaining given manufacturing standards in an apparel product. This subject will provide students with an understanding of the principles used to attain Apparel Quality Control from the design phase, through the production processes, to finished merchandise. Students will be taught to consistently establish specifications of raw materials and production processes. Students will also be taught how to prescribe and carry out quality control inspection procedures through each stage of a production system.


PTC502 - Computer Aided Pattern Making

PDS is a computer-aided design software for apparel pattern design. In this course the student will learn to alter existing patterns or create new styles, using this software. This program integrates pattern grading and marker planning on the GGT Accumark System. Students will also learn to draft patterns completely on screen, without the traditional use of pencil and paper.


PTW510 - Advanced Pattern Making

Pattern Making V builds on the skills learned in the previous Pattern Making levels.  This subject practices pattern-making skills needed for a coat and other design projects. Students will practice these skills by producing a full-scale coat pattern to reflect technical drawings of their original design.  This course practices draping and contouring techniques.
