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EAC150 - College English

College English is an introductory college writing and reading course fundamental to successful college studies. Through a variety of assignments and classroom activities, students will strive to develop the rhetorical and analytical skills essential to their success as communicators in college and upon graduation. Fiction and non-fiction will be a central vehicle for teaching writing.

PRE-REQUISITES: EAC149, EAP500, ESL934, ELI Level 8 or placement based on a Seneca College English Skills Assessment


FBF100 - Business of Fashion

This subject gives students an overview of the sectors of the fashion industry and their interrelations within a circular economy.  They will gain an enhanced knowledge of the issues and influences impacting the globalized fashion industry today.


FPF150 - Psychology of Fashion

This subject focuses on the reasons why human beings wear clothes. Through the study of such concepts as appearance management and appearance perception, Fashion Business and Fashion Business Management students will explore how meanings and interpretations of individuals' work habits, character and power are made based on fashion impressions.


RBC152 - Business Communications I

Business communication skills are necessary in today's workplace and this subject teaches students how to communicate in a clear, concise, and effective way with emphasis on the audience, purpose and message. Students will learn principles of business communications and have the opportunity to practice preparing powerful written messages using many different communication channels. 


RRM153 - Omni Channel Retail Management

An introduction to the dynamic industry of retailing with insight into the strategies that innovative retailers use to build a competitive advantage.  Students will also learn about the career opportunities that exist in the retail industry.
