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ENG106 - Writing Strategies

This course focuses on writing strategies that provide students with the ability to advance solid critical argumentation supported by relevant primary and secondary sources; in addition, students will learn to interpret others' texts, recognize rhetorical strategies, and draft concise and logical critical responses. The course will foster in students the ability to differentiate between fact and opinion and give them the critical tools to evaluate author bias and perspective. In so doing, ENG106 will help students develop transferable writing and argumentation skills necessary for both academic and professional purposes.    


HSC102 - Anatomy and Physiology I

Anatomy and Physiology IThis course explores the normal structure and function of the human body beginning with an introduction to biochemistry, cell tissues, and body systems. Other units include an emphasis on neuroanatomy and neurophysiology, the musculoskeletal system, the cardiovascular system, the lymphatic system, and an introduction to microbiology.


HUM109 - Survey of Canadian Health and Social Programs

This course examines Canadian social and health programs. The following areas are covered: history of the Canadian welfare state, identification of social and health programs, division of responsibilities for programs in Canada, guiding principles, relevant legislation, eligibility requirements, benefits, systemic inequalities, current issues.


REC105 - Recreation and Leisure Studies

This course introduces basic concepts of leisure and recreation as they relate to life in Canada. Attention is given to unique features of Canadian society, including major demographic and population shifts in recent years. By providing a historical overview and description of current developments, students will examine possible future developments and direction of leisure and recreation. The course will also examine issues surrounding the provision of leisure and recreation in mainstream Canadian society and therapeutic settings.


TRC101 - The Role of TR in Wellness and Health Promotion

Students develop an understanding of the core terms used within the health promotion field and how it applies to therapeutic recreation. After exploring the history of health promotion in Canada the appropriate contexts in which recreation therapists engage in health promotion activities will be discussed. The determinants of health will be investigated, along with the challenges to health experienced by individuals and communities in a variety of contexts. Theoretical concepts and models in health, wellness, health behavior, communication, therapeutic recreation and health promotion will underpin the course. By the end of the course, practical applications in therapeutic recreation will be solidified within these theoretical foundations.

Welcome to the Role of Therapeutic Recreation in Wellness and Health Promotion! Within this course, students develop an understanding of the core terms used within the health promotion (HP) field and how it applies to Therapeutic Recreation (TR). After exploring the history of health promotion in Canada, the appropriate contexts in which recreation therapists engage in health promotion activities will be discussed. The determinants of health will be investigated, along with the challenges to health experienced by individuals and communities in a variety of contexts. Theoretical concepts and models in health, wellness, health behavior, communication, therapeutic recreation and health promotion will underpin the course. By the end of the course, practical applications in therapeutic recreation will be solidified within these theoretical foundations


TRC103 - Professional Ethics for TR Practitioners

This course examines the ethical obligations that a recreational therapist has in his/her professional practice. The following areas are covered: definition of ethics, definition of morality, Canadian Charter of Rights and freedoms, Ontario Human Rights Code, UN Declaration on Human Rights, professional standards of practice, the ethical decision making process, types of confidentiality, privacy legislation, legislation related to decision making and advocacy, legislation related to vulnerable populations, informed consent, insurance and liability, case law, documentation, and current issues.
