FDV120 - Fitness Appraisal and Lifestyle Counselling

Outline info
Last revision date 2023-10-02 01:05:48.348
Last review date 2023-10-19 15:03:59.28

Subject Title
Fitness Appraisal and Lifestyle Counselling

Subject Description
This subject is designed to teach students the various fitness appraisal protocols that are currently being used by personal trainers and fitness facilities. Counselling styles and communication skills are emphasized to help the student develop rapport with clients and help them to meet their goals. Students are involved in class testing each other on the different appraisal protocols. Role playing allows them to improve on their communication skills. The student is well prepared to conduct a fitness appraisal and counsel the client on the results.

Credit Status
One credit toward the Fitness Leadership Certificate Program

Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject the student will be able to:

1. Identify clients at risk of participating in a Fitness Appraisal and determine appropriate documentation needed to begin the appraisal.
2. Conduct a fitness appraisal that includes the five components of fitness.
3. Calculate and interpret the results of a fitness appraisal.
4. Describe and demonstrate common counselling styles and communication skills.
5. Identify and explain a transtheoretical model of behaviour change.
6. Describe the process of goal setting and the importance of it in program adherence.
7. Describe motivational techniques and explain where/when they may be used.

Academic Integrity
Seneca upholds a learning community that values academic integrity, honesty, fairness, trust, respect, responsibility and courage. These values enhance Seneca's commitment to deliver high-quality education and teaching excellence, while supporting a positive learning environment. Ensure that you are aware of Seneca's Academic Integrity Policy which can be found at: http://www.senecapolytechnic.ca/about/policies/academic-integrity-policy.html Review section 2 of the policy for details regarding approaches to supporting integrity. Section 2.3 and Appendix B of the policy describe various sanctions that can be applied, if there is suspected academic misconduct (e.g., contract cheating, cheating, falsification, impersonation or plagiarism).

Please visit the Academic Integrity website http://open2.senecac.on.ca/sites/academic-integrity/for-students to understand and learn more about how to prepare and submit work so that it supports academic integrity, and to avoid academic misconduct.

All students and employees have the right to study and work in an environment that is free from discrimination and/or harassment. Language or activities that defeat this objective violate the College Policy on Discrimination/Harassment and shall not be tolerated. Information and assistance are available from the Student Conduct Office at student.conduct@senecapolytechnic.ca.

Accommodation for Students with Disabilities
The College will provide reasonable accommodation to students with disabilities in order to promote academic success. If you require accommodation, contact the Counselling and Accessibility Services Office at ext. 22900 to initiate the process for documenting, assessing and implementing your individual accommodation needs.

Camera Use and Recordings - Synchronous (Live) Classes
Synchronous (live) classes may be delivered in person, in a Flexible Learning space, or online through a Seneca web conferencing platform such as MS Teams or Zoom. Flexible Learning spaces are equipped with cameras, microphones, monitors and speakers that capture and stream instructor and student interactions, providing an in-person experience for students choosing to study online.

Students joining a live class online may be required to have a working camera in order to participate, or for certain activities (e.g. group work, assessments), and high-speed broadband access (e.g. Cable, DSL) is highly recommended. In the event students encounter circumstances that impact their ability to join the platform with their camera on, they should reach out to the professor to discuss. Live classes may be recorded and made available to students to support access to course content and promote student learning and success.

By attending live classes, students are consenting to the collection and use of their personal information for the purposes of administering the class and associated coursework. To learn more about Seneca's privacy practices, visit Privacy Notice.

FDV100 & FDV101

Students should consult the Program Information Package each semester to ensure they have current information regarding program requirements. Packages are available from the Continuing Education Office.

Topic Outline
1. Counselling styles and communication skills
2. Health screening forms/procedures
3. Anthropometic measurements and body composition
4. Cardiovascular testing protocols
5. Muscular strength and endurance protocols
6. Flexibility assessment and postural analysis
7. Counselling – interpretation of the assessment
8. Counselling – motivational techniques
9. Counselling – adherence issues

Mode of Instruction
Lectures, group discussions, case studies and practical demonstrations

Prescribed Texts
Fitness Professionals Handbook, 5th Edition, 2007,
By Edward T. Hawley & B. Don Franks, Human Kinetics Publishers, ISBN# 978-0-7360-6178-0    

Essential of Strength Training and Conditioning, 3rd Edition, June 2008,
By Thomas R. Baechle, Human Kinetics Publisher, ISBN#978- 0-736-05803-2

Reference Material

Required Supplies

Student Progression and Promotion Policy


Grading Policyhttp://www.senecapolytechnic.ca/about/policies/grading-policy.html

A+ 90%  to  100%
A 80%  to  89%
B+ 75%  to  79%
B 70%  to  74%
C+ 65%  to  69%
C 60%  to  64%
D+ 55%  to  59%
D 50%  to  54%
F 0%    to  49% (Not a Pass)
EXC Excellent
SAT Satisfactory
UNSAT Unsatisfactory

For further information, see a copy of the Academic Policy, available online (http://www.senecapolytechnic.ca/about/policies/academics-and-student-services.html) or at Seneca's Registrar's Offices. (https://www.senecapolytechnic.ca/registrar.html).

Modes of Evaluation
Term Work and Exam Requirements:

To pass this subject, the student must achieve the learning outcomes stated in the subject. This is demonstrated by the student successful completion of both the term work and the final exam. If the student passes the term work, but fails the final examination, the student may be awarded a Supplemental Grade (SUP) at the discretion of the Promotion Committee.  If a student fails to achieve a minuimum of (50%) in the Term Work and/ or Final Exam, an F grade will be assigned.

Attendance / Leaving Class Early:
Though no grade is assigned for attendance in this subject, there is a requirement that the students consistently attend classes in order to pass this subject.  When students miss a class or leave early, it is their responsibility to "catch up" on missed material, announcements, schedule changes and discussions.

Missed Quizzes:
The weighting for missed quizzes may be applied to quizzes not yet written in the term. There will be no make up opportunities for missed quizzes.    

Missed Final Exam:

A student who misses the final examination due to medical or other reasons must submit the pertinent documentation to the faculty within one (1) week. Upon receipt of the documentation and its acceptance by the faculty, faculty will award the student a deferred exam in which they will be able to write their exam at a specified date with all students in the Faculty of Continuing Education and Training.  Final examinations are to be grammatically correct, and follow the rules of good English.

Late Assignments/ Labs Reports /Etc.: 

All assignments and lab reports are due at the beginning of the class on the dates specified.  Should extenuating circumstances arise, please contact your instructor by email immediately prior to when your assignment is due. A penalty of 10 % will be imposed for assignments and lab reports submitted late. Material will not be accepted one week after the submission date and /or after the marked material has been returned, which ever comes first.
In cases of cheating or plagiarism, the College Academic Policy will prevail.  Please ensure that all assignments and lab reports are properly documented.


Grading is based on the following marking scheme:
                                 10 %   Written Assignment                                        
                                 40%    Practical Testing – Appraisal & Counselling   
                                 20%    Mid Term                                                  
                                 30%    Final Exam                                                  
                               100%    Total                                                            


Approved by: Lisa Somers