Recording Educational Activities Policy


To provide the framework for Seneca’s practices regarding the collection, use, disclosure, and disposal of recordings of educational activities as a means to promote student learning and success.



This policy applied to all Seneca students and employees.

Key definitions


The sole right to produce, reproduce and copy a work. In Canada, all original creative works are automatically protected by copyright upon their creation, and protection applies whether or not a copyright symbol appears on the material. Only the copyright owner or its authorized licensees have the right to decide when and how the work is to be copied, altered or made available. Regardless of format, the use, reproduction and distribution of copyright protected materials are subject to limits and restrictions.

Educational activities

For the purposes of this policy, educational activities refer to activities facilitated as part of a Seneca delivered course or program. This includes in-class lectures, class discussions and practical application activities. Educational activities may occur onsite, online or at a Seneca-sanctioned off-campus location.

Intellectual property

Any form of knowledge or expression created by one's intellect that can be legally protected, including technical information, inventions, models, drawings, photographs, specifications, prototypes, computer software and other creations that can be protected under patent, copyright, trademark, integrated circuit topography, plant breeders rights and/or industrial design laws. For the purposes of this policy, confidential information having a commercial value is to be considered Intellectual Property.


Audio and/or video or photographic capture of educational activities, such as lectures, discussions, and learning sessions, by electronic or digital means either in the original format or copied and shared.


1. Recording educational activities

  1. Recorded lectures and educational activities support good teaching and learning practices outlined in Seneca’s Teaching Standards of Practice by respecting the diverse learning needs of students and promoting the Universal Design for Learning principle of multiple means of representation.
  2. Educational activities taking place in courses delivered online and in flexible formats will be recorded and made available to students in those courses throughout the term.
  3. Wherever needed, educational activities taking place in courses delivered in hybrid or in-person formats can be recorded and made available to students in those courses throughout the term.
  4. Educational activities can be recorded at the request of a student or professor to:
    • develop learning materials for synchronous hybrid and/or online courses
    • provide lecture materials to students as a study aid
    • offer access to lecture recordings for remote students (located in other time zones) or for those who have a missed classes (as permitted by the professor and so long as attendance requirements are not compromised)
    • meet student accommodation requirements.
  5. Students may request permission from a professor to record all or part of an educational activity, inside or outside of a classroom; this can include asking that the professor enable the recording function of an online lecture or webinar.
  6. Professors may choose to record educational activities for academic purposes and/or professional development.
  7. Recordings for other reasons may be considered, subject to further review by professors and chairs (as required) and taking into consideration specific program or course requirements. 

2. Intellectual property 

  1. Lecture content and materials are considered Seneca’s intellectual property (or a professor’s as per the Intellectual Property Policy and any written agreement to the contrary between Seneca and an employee), and therefore guidelines and regulations regarding copyright apply to the recording of lectures.
  2. Because recordings may also capture the presence, ideas and opinions of other individuals (i.e., other students and guests), the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) also applies. 

3. Recording criteria

  1. Recording educational activities must take place within the framework of this policy.
  2. Recordings must not be used or disclosed for purposes not identified in the original collection, use and disclosure notice, unless the individuals have expressly consented to the new use or disclosure.
  3. Recordings must not be reproduced, distributed in any manner, via the Internet, using social media, file sharing or any other distribution channels without the expressed consent of the professor and/or Seneca under this policy as well as provincial/federal laws and Seneca’s Information Technology Acceptable Use, Copyright, Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy and Intellectual Property policies.
  4. Unless otherwise agreed to, recordings of educational activities will remain the property of Seneca and for the student/professor’s academic use only.
  5. Unless otherwise authorized by Seneca, recordings should be deleted once they have been used for their authorized purpose(s) for privacy and intellectual property considerations.

4. Non-compliance 

  1. Attempts will be made to resolve situations involving the unauthorized creation, use or disclosure of recordings.
  2. In the event of a violation, Seneca will exercise its rights to take appropriate action, according to the applicable Seneca policies, with Student Conduct, or in the case of an employee, with their direct supervisor and Human Resources as required.
  3. Individuals may be subject to disciplinary action if they are found to violate this and other related Seneca policies or where participants in a recording held a reasonable expectation of privacy and recording their activities may be considered unlawful.

Supporting documentation

Related policies/procedures

Related materials

Appendix A: Professor responsibilities

  1. Privacy legislation requires that notice be given when personal information is collected, used or disclosed. Notice can be given verbally or in writing and should specify the purpose for which the personal information is intended to be used.
  2. Where possible, professors should provide alternative feedback methods (e.g., email) if students are not comfortable asking questions or making comments during recordings.
  3. For the majority of online educational activities, professors can remind students if they wish to not be recorded, they can choose to turn off their camera and audio.
  4. Professors are encouraged to use the Consent to use Personal Information Form (PDF) when it is necessary to have evidence an external guest has consented to the collection, use and disclosure of their personal information and/or intellectual property if there is an intention to re-purpose the recording for a future approved use. Some programs (e.g., Early Childhood Education), require the mandatory use of program-specific consent forms to ensure written consent is obtained for the collection and appropriate use of recordings for approved purposes.
  5. Professors can request a student provide their own in-person class recording equipment or choose to facilitate the recording and provide a copy to the student.  

Appendix B - Information about recordings

  1. Students are informed through course and outline notices that lectures and educational activities are recorded and are not to be shared, re-recorded, published or distributed outside of the community of students registered in the course.
  2. Accommodated students may receive permission to download and share recordings for approved note-taking purposes as part of their accommodation plans.
  3. Professors record lectures and provide access to the recordings to students in support of course content.
  4. Recordings are intended to be used as a student study aid and are not a substitute for participation (exceptions may include remote students residing in another time zone).
  5. In all cases, recordings may not be reproduced without the consent of Seneca, posted or shared anywhere, and should only be used by students currently registered in the course.
  6. Students creating unauthorized recordings may be in violation of Seneca’s Intellectual Property Policy, privacy legislation, and the Canadian Copyright Act and could be subject to disciplinary actions under the Student Code of Conduct. Please see the Recording Lectures and Educational Activities Policy for more details.
  7. Synchronous (live) classes may be delivered in person, in a flexible learning space or online through a Seneca web conferencing platform. Synchronous classes may be recorded and made available to students to support access to course content. By attending synchronous classes, students are consenting to the collection and use of their personal information. To learn more, please reference Seneca’s Privacy Notice
  8. Students joining a synchronous class may be required to have a working camera in order to participate, or for certain activities (e.g., group work, assessments). professor if you cannot participate during class sessions with your camera on. 

Approval Date: September 2020

Last Revision: January 2024