Sexual Violence Policy


For all members of the Seneca community to work and study in an environment that is free from any form of sexual violence.

To set out the way in which we address sexual violence.

To ensure that those who are affected by sexual violence are believed and appropriately accommodated and that Seneca has an investigative process that protects the rights of individuals and holds individuals who have committed an act of sexual violence accountable.


Seneca is committed to the values of equity, diversity and inclusivity in all aspects of its operations and activities. This commitment and policy apply to all members of the Seneca community including but not limited to: students, employees, governors, contractors, suppliers of services, individuals who are directly connected to any Seneca initiative (e.g., Work-Integrated Learning, Co-op programs), volunteers and visitors.

Key Definitions

Acquaintance sexual assault

Sexual contact that is forced, manipulated or coerced by a partner, friend or acquaintance.

Age of consent for sexual activity

The age at which a person can legally consent to sexual activity. In Canada, children under 12 can never legally consent to sexual acts. Sixteen is the legal age of consent for sexual acts. There are variations on the age of consent for adolescents who are close in age between the ages of 12 and 16.

Youth who are 12 or 13 years old can consent to have sex with other youths who are less than two years older than themselves.

Youth who are 14 or 15 years old may consent to sexual involvement that is mutual with a person who is less than five years older. Youth who are 16 or 17 years old may legally consent to sexual acts with someone who is not in a position of trust or authority. 


An individual who files a complaint alleging a violation of the Sexual Violence Policy seeking Seneca’s response.


When a student notifies the Student Conduct office of an allegation under the Sexual Violence policy or an employee files an incident report seeking Seneca’s response.


In the context of sexual violence, coercion is unreasonable and persistent pressure for sexual activity. Coercion is the use of emotional manipulation, blackmail, threats to family or friends, or the promise of rewards of special treatment to persuade someone to do something they do not wish to do, such as being sexual or performing particular sexual acts. 


The voluntary and explicit agreement to engage in the sexual activity in question. It is the act of willingly agreeing to engage in specific sexual behaviour and requires that a person is able to freely choose between two options: yes and no.

This means that there must be an understandable exchange of affirmative words, which indicates a willingness to participate in a mutually agreed-upon sexual activity. It is also imperative that everyone understands the following:

  • silence or non-communication must never be interpreted as consent, and a person in a state of diminished judgement cannot consent

  • a person is incapable of giving consent if they are asleep, unconscious, or otherwise unable to communicate 

  • a person who has been threatened or coerced (i.e., is not agreeing voluntarily) into engaging in the sexual activity is not consenting to it

  • a person who is drugged is unable to consent  

  • a person is unable to give consent when under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs

  • a person may be unable to give consent if they have a mental disability preventing them from fully understanding the sexual acts 

  • the fact that consent was given in the past to a sexual or dating relationship does not mean that consent is deemed to exist for all future sexual activity

  • a person can withdraw consent at any time during the course of a sexual encounter

  • a person is incapable of giving consent to a person in a position of trust, power or authority, such as a faculty member initiating a relationship with a student who they teach or an administrator in a relationship with anyone who reports to them

  • consent cannot be given on behalf of another person. 

It is the responsibility of the initiator of sexual activity to ensure clear and affirmative responses are communicated at all stages of sexual engagement. It is also the initiator’s responsibility to know if the person they are engaging with sexually is a minor. 

For information purpose only

The Criminal Code of Canada defines “consent” as “the voluntary agreement to engage in the sexual activity in question.” No consent is obtained where:

  • the agreement is expressed by the words or conduct of a person other than the complainant

  • the complainant is incapable of consenting to the activity

  • the accused induces the complainant to engage in the activity by abusing a position of trust, power, or authority 

  • the complainant expresses, by words or conduct, a lack of agreement to engage in the activity, or

  • the complainant, having consented to engage in sexual activity, expresses, by words or conduct, a lack of agreement to continue to engage in the activity

Drug-facilitated sexual assault

The use of alcohol and/or drugs (prescription or non-prescription), including cannabis, by a perpetrator to control, overpower, or subdue a victim for purposes of sexual assault. 


All employees, as defined by the Ontario Employment Standards Act, 2000.

Indecent exposure

The exposure of the private or intimate parts of the body in a lewd manner, when the perpetrator may be readily observed.

Intimate partner violence 

A form of sexual violence that includes sexual assault within an intimate relationship. It includes not only marital rape but all other forms of sexual assault that take place within a current or former intimate relationship, whether or not the partners are married.


A person(s) against whom a complaint is being made.

Sexual assault

A criminal offence under the Criminal Code of Canada. Sexual assault is any type of unwanted sexual act done by one person to another that violates the sexual integrity of the victim and involves a range of behaviours from any unwanted touching to penetration.

Sexual assault is characterized by a broad-range of behaviours that involve the use of force, threats or control towards a person, which makes that person feel uncomfortable, distressed, frightened, threatened or that is carried out in circumstances in which the person has not freely agreed, consented to, or is incapable of giving consent. 

Sexual violence

Any sexual act or act targeting a person’s sexuality, gender identity or gender expression, whether the act is physical or psychological in nature, that is committed, threatened or attempted against a person without the person’s consent, including sexual assault, sexual harassment, stalking, indecent exposure, voyeurism and sexual exploitation. 

Sexual exploitation 

Occurs when a perpetrator takes non-consensual or abusive sexual advantage of another for their own advantage or benefit, or to benefit or advantage anyone other than the one being exploited.  

Sexual harassment

Engaging in a course of conduct of a gender-related or sexual nature that is known, or might reasonably be known, to be unwelcome/unwanted, offensive, intimidating, hostile or inappropriate.

Depending on its severity, one action may constitute sexual harassment.

This may include but is not limited to: demeaning gestures, remarks, and jokes; slurs; taunting; innuendo based on gender or sexual orientation; unwanted physical contact; leering; inappropriate comments about clothing, physical characteristics or activities; unwanted questions or comments about one’s private life, sexual orientation, marital or family status; the display of sexually offensive material; solicitation; unwanted attention; implied or expressed promise of reward or benefit in return for sexual favours; implied or expressed threat or act of reprisal if sexual favours are not given or sexual assault (Criminal Code of Canada offence). 

Sexual misconduct by employees in relation to a student

a) Physical sexual relations with a student, touching of a sexual nature of a student or behaviour or remarks of a sexual nature toward a student by a Seneca employee, where:

  • the act constitutes an offence under the Criminal Code of Canada

  • the act infringes the right of the student under clause 7 (3) (a) of the Human Rights Code to be free from a sexual solicitation or advance 

  • the act constitutes sexual misconduct as defined in Seneca’s Sexual Violence policy or contravenes the policy or any other policy, rule or other Seneca requirement related to sexual relations between employees and students. 

b) Any conduct by a Seneca employee that infringes the right of the student under clause 7 (3) (b) of the Human Rights Code to be free from a reprisal or threat of reprisal for the rejection of a sexual solicitation or advance.

Examples of sexual misconduct may include:

  • sexual solicitation or advances

  • sexual assault, including any unwanted act of a sexual nature 

  • sexual harassment, including any unwanted remarks, behaviours, or communications of a sexually oriented nature 

  • sexual violence, including any sexual act or act targeting a student’s sexuality, gender identity or gender expression, whether physical or psychological in nature, that is committed, threatened or attempted against a student without the student’s consent.


A form of criminal harassment prohibited by the Criminal Code of Canada. It involves behaviours that occur on more than one occasion and which collectively instill fear in the victim/target or threaten the victim/target’s safety or mental health. Stalking can also include threats of harm to the victim/target’s friends and/or family. These behaviours include but is not limited to; non-consensual communications (face to face, phone, email, social media); threatening or obscene gestures; surveillance; sending unsolicited gifts; “creeping” via social media/cyber-stalking and uttering threats. 


Some who have experienced sexual violence may choose to identify as a survivor Individuals might be more familiar with the term “victim.” We use the term survivor throughout this Policy where relevant because some who have experienced sexual assault believe they have overcome the violent experience and do not wish to identify with the victimization. It is the prerogative of the person who has experienced these circumstances to determine how they wish to identify. 

Technology-facilitated abuse 

The use of technology (e.g. emails, text messages, social media and/or software) to abuse, harass, threaten, coerce, monitor, exploit and/or violate another individual.

Examples of technology-facilitated abuse include: sexual harassment, sexting, revenge porn, stalking/surveillance and sexual exploitation.


Observing a person, including by mechanical or electronic means or making a visual recording of a person who is in circumstances that give rise to a reasonable expectation of privacy. 

Vulnerable Person

When an individual is in a position of dependency on others because of their age, a disability or other circumstances, whether temporary or permanent, or who is otherwise at a greater risk than the general population of being harmed by a person in a position of trust or authority towards them. 


1. General

2. Reporting and responding to sexual violence

  1. Any member of the Seneca community who has witnessed, or who knows of, an incident of sexual violence perpetrated against another member of the Seneca community is encouraged to immediately report such an incident, as indicated in Seneca’s Sexual Violence Protocol. (See Appendix I).
  2. Persons in a position of authority at Seneca, including, but not limited to, all those who supervise others, shall take immediate action to respond to or to prevent sexual violence from occurring (See Appendix I).
  3. Where Seneca has become aware of an incident of sexual violence, or a threat of sexual violence, Seneca will take all reasonable steps to ensure the safety of the Seneca community. Where an incident of sexual violence or a threat of sexual violence poses a risk to the safety of a member(s) of the Seneca community, precautions may include the provision or disclosure of relevant information to an employee(s), and/or to others at risk.

3. Complaint process and investigations

  1. A complaint of sexual assault or any other kind of sexual violence can be filed under this policy by any member of the Seneca community. 
  2. Survivors who disclose their experience(s) of sexual violence will not be subject to disciplinary actions for violations regarding drug and/or alcohol use related to the incident.
  3. During Seneca’s investigative process, survivors will not be asked irrelevant questions about past behaviours, preferences, and/or other details that speak to a person’s personal sexual history.
  4. Seneca will seek to achieve procedural fairness in dealing with all complaints. As such, no sanction and/or disciplinary action will be taken against a person or group without their knowledge where there is an alleged breach of this Policy.
  5. Respondents will be given reasonable notice, with full detail of the allegations, and provided with an opportunity to answer to the allegations made against them.
  6. A complainant has the right to withdraw a complaint at any stage of the process. However, Seneca may continue to act on the issue identified in the complaint in order to comply with its obligation under this Policy and/or its legal obligations. Seneca may also continue to act when there is a threat to the safety of the Seneca community.

4. Protection from reprisals, retaliation or threats

  1. It is contrary to this policy for anyone to retaliate, engage in reprisals or threaten to retaliate against a complainant or other individual for:
    • having pursued rights under this Policy or the Ontario Human Rights Code
    • having participated or cooperated in an investigation under this Policy or the Ontario Human Rights Code
    • having been associated with someone who has pursued rights under this Policy or the Ontario Human Rights Code.
  2. Seneca takes reasonable steps to protect persons from reprisals, retaliation and threats. This may entail, for example, advising individuals in writing of their duty to refrain from committing a reprisal and sanctioning individuals for a breach of this duty.
  3. Seneca may address the potential for reprisals by providing an accommodation appropriate under the circumstances.

5. Unsubstantiated or vexatious complaints

  1. If a person, in good faith, discloses or files a sexual violence complaint that is not supported by evidence gathered during an investigation, that complaint will be dismissed.
  2. Disclosures or complaints that are found, following investigation, to be frivolous, vexatious or bad faith complaints, that is, made to purposely annoy, embarrass or harm the respondent, may result in sanctions and/or discipline against the complainant.

6. Confidentiality

  1. Confidentiality is particularly important to those who have disclosed sexual violence.
  2. The confidentiality of all persons involved in a report of sexual violence must be strictly observed.
  3. Seneca respects the confidentiality of all persons, including the complainant, respondent and witnesses, by restricting routine access to information to individuals with a need for such access, as well as by providing education and training to those who are regularly involved in the administration of reports and complaints.
  4. Confidentiality cannot be assured in the following circumstances:

    • an individual is at imminent risk of self-harm
    • an individual is at imminent risk of harming another, and/or
    • there are reasonable grounds to believe that others in the Seneca or wider community may be at risk of harm.
  5. In such circumstances, information would only be shared with necessary services to prevent harm, and the name of the survivor would not be released to the public.
  6. Where Seneca becomes aware of an allegation of sexual violence by a member of the Seneca community against another member of the Seneca community, Seneca may also have an obligation to take steps to ensure that the matter is dealt with in order to comply with Seneca’s legal obligation and/or its policies to investigate such allegation.
  7. In such cases, certain Seneca management will be informed about the reported incident on a “need to know” and confidential basis, but not necessarily of the identities of the persons involved.

7. Sexual misconduct by employees in relation to a student

  1. Where a report of sexual misconduct is substantiated by Seneca, disciplinary measures shall be imposed, which include but are not limited to:
    • termination of employment for just cause
    • being placed on a leave of absence with or without pay
    • receiving a disciplinary letter or letter of expectations
    • any other disciplinary measure which Seneca deems to be appropriate.
  2.  Where an employee has been discharged for violation of this policy, the employee shall not be entitled to notice of termination, termination pay, or any other compensation or restitution as a result of the discharge or disciplinary measure, in accordance with the Strengthening Postsecondary Institutions and Students Act, 2022.
  3. Where an employee commits an act of sexual misconduct towards a student and is either discharged or the employee resigns, the employee shall not be re-employed by Seneca. 
  4. Where any penalty is imposed for violation of this policy, the penalty shall not be substituted for any other penalty pursuant to the Strengthening Postsecondary Institutions and Students Act, 2022, despite subsection 48 (17) of the Labour Relations Act, 1995 and subsection 14 (17) of the Colleges Collective Bargaining Act, 2008, and despite any provision of a collective agreement or employment contract specifying a penalty for the infraction.
  5. No arbitrator, arbitration board or other adjudicator shall substitute any other penalty for the discharge or disciplinary measure imposed or violation of this policy. 
  6. Subject to sec. 7.7, an agreement between Seneca and any person, including a collective agreement or an agreement settling existing or contemplated litigation, that is entered into shall not contain any term that, directly or indirectly, prohibits Seneca or any person related to the institution from disclosing that an allegation or complaint has been made that a Seneca employee committed an act of sexual misconduct toward a Seneca student, and any such term that is included in an agreement is void. 
  7.  Seneca may enter into an agreement that contains a term described in sec. 7.6 if the student requests that Seneca do so, provided that: 
    •  the student has had a reasonable opportunity to receive independent legal advice 
    • there have been no undue attempts to influence the student with respect to the request 
    • the agreement includes an opportunity for the student to decide to waive their own confidentiality in the future and the process for doing so
    • and the agreement is of a set and limited duration.

8. Collection and reporting of sexual assault and sexual violence statistics 

  1. Under Bill 132, Sexual Violence and Harassment Action Plan Act, 2016, Seneca is required to report aggregate data to the Board of Governors and the Ministry of Colleges and Universities on student disclosures of sexual assault and sexual violence on an annual basis.

9. Policy review 

  1. This policy will be reviewed every three years in line with the Sexual Violence and Harassment Plan Act in a process inclusive of input from the Sexual Violence community and Seneca’s Sexual Violence Task Force.

Supporting Documentation

Related Seneca Policies

Related Materials

Appendix I – Protocol

1. Who to contact

  1. If you have experienced or have been affected by sexual violence and require support and accommodation please call:
  2. If you wish to file a report under this Sexual Violence Policy, you can call the police or emergency services at 911 or Seneca Security at 416.764.0911 (available 24/7). Students may also contact Student Conduct at (available during business hours). Employees may also contact Human Resources (available during business hours).
  3. It is often difficult to disclose and report incidents of sexual violence. It is entirely up to you if you choose to report the incident; however, we strongly encourage you to do so. A number of other resources are available to you and those who may be affected by sexual violence, including:
    • For students: Counselling & Accessible Learning Services at 416.764.9700 and Good2Talk at 1.866.925.5454
    • For employees: Employee and Family Assistance Program at 1.800.268.5211 
      A list of additional resources is available in Appendix II.
  4. Anyone who has been affected by sexual violence has the right to:
    • Be believed
    • Be treated with dignity and respect
    • Be informed about on- and off-campus services and resources
    • Decide whether or not to access available services and to choose those services they feel will be most beneficial
    • Decide whether to report to Security and/or local police
    • Have an on-campus investigation with the institution’s full cooperation
    • Have a safety plan, and
    • Have reasonable and necessary actions taken to prevent further unwanted contact with the alleged perpetrator(s).

2. What to do if you witness sexual violence

  1. If you have witnessed sexual violence, please call Security at 416.764.0911 (available 24/7). Students may also contact Student Conduct at (available during business hours) and employees may also contact Human Resources at (available during business hours). They will assist you by providing resources and necessary support.
  2. A number of other resources are available to you, including:
    • Counselling & Accessible Learning Services (for students) at 416.764.9700
    • Human Resources at or Employee and Family Assistance Program at 1.800.268.5211 (for employees)
    • Good2Talk 1.866.925.5454
    • Police or emergency services at 911.
      A list of additional resources is available in Appendix II.
  3. All members of the Seneca community who have witnessed sexual violence have a duty to cooperate with a Seneca investigation.
  4. Students are strongly encouraged to report incidents of sexual violence, but do not need to report incidents of sexual violence to obtain supports, services, or accommodation from Seneca.
  5. Employees and contractors have a duty to immediately report all incidents and suspected incidents of sexual violence to Security. Employees who witness sexual violence can access supports and services through Human Resources.

3. If you would like to file or initiate a complaint

  1. You are not required to file a formal complaint to obtain supports, services, or appropriate accommodation from Seneca.
  2. Security, Student Conduct or Human Resources can assist you with filing a complaint. If the alleged perpetrator is another member of the Seneca community, you may file a complaint under this Policy.
  3. Individuals who have experienced sexual violence may also wish to press charges under the Criminal Code. Security can assist you with contacting the local police.

4. What to do if someone discloses allegations of sexual violence

  1. A person may choose to confide in someone about an act of sexual violence, such as a student, faculty, coach, or staff from residence, health centre, counselling, or security. An individual who has experienced sexual violence may also disclose to employees when seeking support and/or academic accommodation. A supportive response involves:
    • Listening without judgment and accepting the disclosure as true
    • Communicating that sexual violence is never the responsibility of the survivor
    • Helping the survivor identify and/or access available on- or off-campus services, including emergency medical care and counselling
    • Respecting the survivor’s right to choose the services they feel are most appropriate and to decide whether to report to the police and/or Security at 416.764.0911 (available 24/7). Students may also contact Student Conduct at (available during business hours) and employees may also contact Human Resources at
    • Recognizing that disclosing can be traumatic and a survivor’s ability to recall the events may be limited
    • Respecting the survivor’s choices as to what and how much they disclose about their experience, and
    • Making every effort to respect confidentiality and anonymity.
  2. If disclosure is made to an employee by a student seeking support or academic accommodations, the employee should refer the student to Security or Student Conduct, and work with Counselling & Accessible Learning Services to ensure that the student receives all necessary academic and other accommodations.
  3. If an employee becomes aware of an allegation of sexual violence against another member of the Seneca community, the employee is required to report the alleged incident to Security immediately.

5. Communicating with individuals who have experienced or been affected by sexual violence

  1. Sensitive and timely communication with individuals who have experienced sexual violence and their family members (when an individual consents to this communication) is a central part of Seneca’s first response to sexual violence. To facilitate communication, Seneca will:
    • Ensure that designated employees in Counselling & Accessible Learning Services and/or Human Resources, who are knowledgeable about sexual violence and are responsible for advocacy on campus for persons who have experienced sexual violence, are made aware of the incident
    • Ensure designated employees respond in a prompt, compassionate, and personalized manner
    • Ensure that the complainant and the respondent are provided with reasonable updates about the status of the investigation of the incident when such investigations are undertaken.

6. Roles and responsibilities of the Seneca community

  1. While everyone has a role to play in responding to incidents of sexual violence, some employees and departments will have specific responsibilities that might include:
    • Seneca health supports to provide psychological and emotional support, assist with safety planning, and make referrals to other services, including medical services
    • Facilitate academic accommodations and other needs of those who have been affected by or who have experienced sexual violence
    • Facilitate safe living arrangements in residence to the best of their ability
    • Assist with any incidents relating to employees, and
    • Security and Student Conduct to assist with investigations and gathering evidence, to implement measures to reduce sexual violence on campus, and to collaborate with local police where appropriate.

7. Responding to a report of sexual violence

  1. Where a complaint of sexual violence has been reported to Seneca, the institution will exercise care to protect and respect the rights of both the complainant and the respondent. Seneca understands that individuals who have experienced sexual violence may wish to control whether and how their experience will be dealt with by the police and/or Seneca. In most circumstances, the person will retain this control.
  2. A person who has experienced sexual violence may choose not to request an investigation and has the right not to participate in any investigation that may occur.
  3. In certain circumstances, however, Seneca may be required to initiate an internal investigation and/or inform the police of the need for a criminal investigation, even without the survivor’s consent, if Seneca believes that the safety of other members of the Seneca community and/or the vulnerable sector is at risk. The confidentiality and anonymity of the person(s) affected will be prioritized in these circumstances.
  4. A report of sexual violence may also be referred to the police or to other community resources, at the complainant’s request, where the person(s) involved are not members of the Seneca community, or where otherwise appropriate in circumstances when Seneca is unable to initiate an internal investigation under this Policy.
  5. Where the respondent is a student, Seneca adheres to the following in investigating and making decisions about formal complaints. If an entitlement set out below conflicts with something set out in another Seneca policy, the entitlement set out below shall prevail:
    • The Student Conduct Office is responsible for the intake, investigation, and decision making on a report of sexual violence adhering to the procedures outlined in the Student Code of Conduct.
    • Seneca may also decide to use an external investigator when appropriate in the circumstances.
    7.5 (i) Sexual violence is a violation of Seneca’s Student Code of Conduct, Personal Safety and Security Threat and, Discrimination and Harassment policies. It is considered a serious offence and will be addressed in a manner which is consistent with other serious offences. Please see the Student Code of Conduct for more details on each disciplinary process.
    7.5 (ii) As set out in the Student Code of Conduct, appeals of student violations may be pursued based on limited grounds and are heard by the Office of the Vice-President Academic or designate.
  6. Where the respondent is an employee, the perpetration of sexual violence is a violation of an employee’s duty to their employer. It is also a violation of the Personal Safety and Security Threat Policy. Such misconduct may also violate Seneca’s collective agreements.
    7.6 (i) Human Resources is responsible for the intake, investigation, and decision-making on a report of sexual violence. Seneca may also decide to use an external investigator when appropriate in the circumstances. Allegations against employees will be addressed in accordance with the Sexual Violence Policy and this protocol, as well as any of the other policies mentioned herein, and, where applicable, the relevant collective agreement.
    7.6 (ii) There is no formal appeal process for employee violations, though Seneca employees who are members of a union may file a grievance as permitted by the applicable collective agreement.
  7. Where the respondent is not a student or employee, contractors, suppliers, volunteers, or visitors who attend on campus will be subject to complaints if they engage in prohibited conduct.
    7.7 (i) Security is responsible for the intake, investigation, and decision-making based on a report of sexual violence. Seneca may also decide to use an external investigator when appropriate in the circumstances.
    7.7 (ii) All contractual relationships entered into by Seneca will be governed by a standard contract compliance clause stating that contractors must comply with this Policy and the Ontario Human Rights Code, including co-operating in investigations. Seneca may also decide to use an external investigator when appropriate in the circumstances.
    7.7 (iii) There is no formal appeal process for supplier, volunteer, contractor or visitor violations.

8. Multiple proceedings

  1. Where criminal and/or civil proceedings are commenced in respect to the allegations of sexual violence, Seneca shall conduct its own independent investigation into such allegations, and will make its own determination in accordance with its policies and procedures. Where there is an ongoing criminal investigation, Seneca will cooperate with the local police.

9. Procedural fairness

  1. Except as otherwise stated in this Protocol, Seneca provides those whose rights, privileges, or interests may be affected by a decision with notice of the decision to be made, disclosure of facts relevant to the decision, and an opportunity to be heard.
  2. Seneca may decide how it meets these obligations in different circumstances and will do so with a view to providing a fair process, making a sound decision, and preserving the dignity of survivors.
  3. Seneca has the right to withhold disclosure early on in its process to obtain a person’s independent recollection of events.

10. Support and representation

  1. Complainants and respondents may attend meetings with a single, non-participating support person.
  2. Seneca considers requests to attend meetings with additional support persons and with legal or other representation on a case-by-case basis with a view to promoting a fair and expeditious process.
  3. Seneca may question and expect direct answers from an individual who is represented.

11. Interim measures

  1. The rights and privileges of a respondent may be restricted by Seneca before it makes a final determination about the alleged misconduct.
  2. A student respondent may be moved from a complainant’s residence, restricted from entering certain parts of campus/es, and restricted from attending class.
  3. An employee respondent may be temporarily removed from the workplace.
  4. Such interim measures will be imposed only as necessary to meet the needs of complainants and persons who report incidents of sexual violence or otherwise under the Personal Safety and Security Threats Policy. Seneca will also take steps to minimize the impact of these measures on respondents.
  5. Interim measures are not punishment and do not represent a finding of misconduct. Seneca may impose interim measures immediately. Respondents may ask Seneca to review a decision to impose interim measures, but only for the purpose of addressing the impact of the imposed measure and the preference for alternatives.

12. Outcomes

  1. Seneca will determine, based on its investigation, what happened and whether it constitutes sexual violence or another form of misconduct.
  2. If Seneca finds there has been misconduct, it will determine the appropriate sanction. Students may face discipline, up to and including expulsion. Employees may face discipline, up to and including discharge. Contractors, suppliers, volunteers, and visitors may face penalties, cancellation of contracts, and other sanctions. Seneca may also impose non-punitive measures such as:
    • No contact orders
    • Alternative academic arrangements.
  3. Seneca may offer internal and/or external services to those affected by sexual violence, including:
    • Counselling
    • Advising
    • Legal Aid

13. Written decision

  1. Seneca will inform the complainant(s) and respondent(s) of its investigation findings in writing.
  2. The written decision summary will include a brief description of any corrective action that Seneca has taken or will take as a result of its investigation.

Appendix II - Other resources and supports available to you

Emergency Shelter

Yellow Brick House


Barbra Schlifer Clinic Transitional Housing Support

416.323.9149 ext. 234

For child protection

Children's Aid society of Toronto


For emergency shelters and closest free meal

Toll free 1.866.392.3777

For immediate medical advice


TTY 1866.392.3777

For mental health

Gerstein Centre


same number for TTY service

For sexual assault/violence

Assaulted Women's Helpline

TTY 1866.863.7868

Yellow Brick House

Toll Free 1.800.263.3247
TTY 905.751.1712

Barbra Schlifer Clinic Safety Planning

416.323.9149 ext. 234

Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse Provincial Crisis and Support Line


For walk-in counselling

Catholic Family Services

Peel / Dufferin Region Brampton 905.450.1608 ext. 101
Mississauga 905.897.1644 ext. 101
Bolton 905.450.1608 ext. 101

If you experience thoughts of suicide

Go to your closest hospital emergency department.

Call a distress line 416.408.4357 (HELP)
TTY 416.408.0007

Outreach Services (counselling, legal)

Yellow Brick House


Catholic Family Services


Barbra Schlifer Clinic Legal Assistance

416.323.9149 ext. 278

Daily Bread Food Bank


AIDS & Sexual Health Info Line


Postsecondary Student Help line Good2Talk


or connect through 2-1-1

To talk to someone

Call a distress line 416.408.4357 (HELP)
TTY 416.408.0007

Sexual Assault Centres in Ontario

Region in Ontario Sexual Assault Centre 24-hr Crisis Line Office Phone
Algoma (Sault Ste. Marie) Women in Crisis Algoma 1.877.759.1230 705.759.1230
Belleville-Quinte Sexual Assault Centre for Quinte & District 1.877.544.6424 613.967.6300
Brant Sexual Assault Centre of Brant 519.751.3471 519.751.1164
Bruce County Women's House Serving Bruce and Grey: Sexual Assault Services 1.866.578.5566 519.372.1113
Chatham-Kent Chatham-Kent Sexual Assault Crisis Centre 519.354.8688 519.354.8908
Cornwall Sexual Assault Support Services for Women, Cornwall
  • English: 613.932.1603
  • French: 613.932.1705
East Algoma (Elliot Lake) Counselling Centre of East Algoma 1.800.721.0077 705.848.2585
Guelph-Wellington Guelph-Wellington Women in Crisis
  • 519.836.5710
  • 1.800.265.7233
Halton (Oakville) Sexual Assault & Violence Intervention Services of Halton 905.875.1555 906.825.3622
Hamilton Sexual Assault Centre Hamilton & Area (SACHA) 905.525.4162 905.525.4573
Kawartha (Peterborough & Area) Kawartha Sexual Assault Centre 705.741.0260 705.748.5901
Kenora Kenora Sexual Assault Centre
  • 807.468.7233
  • 1.800.565.6161
Kingston Sexual Assault Centre Kingston
  • 613.544.6424
  • 1.877.544.6424
London-Middlesex Sexual Assault Centre London
  • 519.438.2272
  • 1.877.529.2272
Muskoka Athena's Sexual Assault Counselling & Advocacy Centre
  • 705.737.2008
  • 1.800.987.0799
Niagara Niagara Region Sexual Assault Centre 905.682.4584 905.682.7258
Nipissing Amelia Rising Sexual Assault Centre of Nipissing 705.476.3355 705.840.2403
Oshawa-Durham Oshawa-Durham Rape Crisis Centre 905.668.9200 905.444.9672
Ottawa SASC Sexual Assault Support Centre of Ottawa 613.234.2266 613.725.2160
Ottawa RCC Ottawa Rape Crisis Centre 613.562.2333 613.562.2334
Peel Hope 24/7: Sexual Assault Centre of Peel 1.800.810.0180 905.792.0821
Renfrew Women's Sexual Assault Centre of Renfrew County 1.800.663.3060 613.735.5551
Sarnia-Lambton Sexual Assault Survivors' Centre Sarnia-Lambton 519.337.3320 519.337.3154
Sudbury Voices for Women Sudbury Sexual Assault Centre   705.523.7100 ext. 2647
Thunder Bay Thunder Bay Sexual Abuse & Sexual Assault Counselling & Crisis Centre 807.344.4502 807.345.0894
Timmins Timmins and Area Women in Crisis 1.877.268.8380 705.268.8381
Toronto Multicultural Women Against Rape/Toronto Rape Crisis Centre 416.597.8808 416.597.1171
Waterloo Sexual Assault Support Centre of Waterloo Region 519.741.8633 519.571.0121
Windsor-Essex Sexual Assault Crisis Centre of Essex County 519.253.9667 519.253.3100
York Women's Support Network of York Region
  • 1.800.263.6734
  • 905.895.7313


Approval Date: July 2021

Revision Date: June 2023