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3. Cross-disciplinary, Experiential and Flexible Learning

In five years, every program will embed cross- disciplinary learning, experiential learning opportunities and flexible learning options that enable students to access courses offered in the day and evening, in person and online.

Initiatives for 2013-14 Performance indicators/ measurable outcomes End-of-Year Status Update
Increase flexible delivery options across all Seneca programs. Recommendations from Flexible Programming task group brought forward by Fall 2013. Two pilots launched in Winter 2014. Achieved: Student focus groups completed and 3 pilots launched. The pilots focused on the part-time delivery of Seneca’s Bach. of Interdisciplinary Studies, providing more opportunities for full-time students to attend courses in the evening and/or online and part-time students to attend courses during
the day.
At least 15 courses identified for hybrid/online development with at least 5 new courses ready to pilot by March 2014. Achieved: More than 15 courses identified for development for online and hybrid delivery. At least 5 courses will be ready for delivery by March 2014 with at least 10 more ready by August 2014.
Research using provincial survey on preferred program delivery methods conducted by January 2014. Seneca programs with largest potential interest for flexible delivery identified. Achieved: Last provincial survey data reviewed and Seneca programs with largest potential interest for flexible delivery identified. Increasing flexible options for students included maximizing access to existing online courses through OntarioLearn.
Expand experiential learning opportunities for students. Increase co-op placement activity by 25%. Partially Achieved: This year saw an increase of 20% of co-op work terms as of March 31, 2014.

Co-op performance metrics to be re-evaluated in 2014-15
Employer relations plan and industry partner map developed by Fall 2013. New employer database system procured. Achieved: Comprehensive employer relations plan and industry partner map developed. The plan includes industry events and journals to be leveraged to attract new co-op employers. New employer database system procured.
Co-op integration plans developed for 12 new programs by Winter 2014. Achieved: Co-op integration plans developed for 3 new programs. Revised co-op integration plans developed for 7 graduate certificate programs and 3 degrees.
Integrate cross-disciplinary learning throughout all programs. Recommendations from Cross-disciplinary/Experiential Learning task group brought forward by Summer 2013. Two pilots launched
in Fall 2013.
Achieved: New cross-disciplinary General Education courses created, as well as new General Education modules that can be credited as a course. Pilots begun, including the development of two new cross-disciplinary degree programs.