Bundled Graduate Certificates

As an International applicant, you may apply for two consecutive graduate certificate programs in one application to create a graduate certificate bundle. You have the flexibility and choice to select from a range of Seneca’s graduate certificate programs to create your own bundle and can apply for up to three bundles in one application.

Benefits include:

  • easy application process with a one-time application fee and a combined Letter of Acceptance for both programs indicating the full duration
  • ability to apply for one study permit to cover both programs
  • allows you to plan ahead for your studies and prepare for your career
  • offers you a continuous Seneca experience for your studies, supports, friendships, housing and more 


How to Apply for Bundled Graduate Certificates


If you are not currently enrolled in a Seneca graduate certificate and/or do not have an application in progress, follow these steps to apply:

  1. Apply through Seneca’s International Student Web Application (IWA)
  2. When selecting your program in step 4 on the “Program Choice” screen, select a graduate certificate as choice 1 and check the box to add a second consecutive graduate certificate program to create a bundle
  3. Add a second graduate certificate as choice 2 to complete bundle 1; program choices will automatically populate based on start and end dates of each graduate certificate to ensure consecutive studies

Note: You can select up to three graduate certificate bundles on one application. Simply repeat steps 2 and 3 above to add additional bundles to your application.

Current Students or Applications in Progress

If you are currently enrolled in a Seneca graduate certificate and/or do have an application in progress, follow these steps to apply:

  1. Download the New Program Application for Graduating Students and Recent Seneca Graduates form; Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to view this document
  2. Fill in the form electronically using the boxes provided
  3. Email the completed form to theservicehub@senecapolytechnic.ca



Contact us by email at theservicehub@senecapolytechnic.ca