Create Online Profile


Your online profile may help you submit claims online, track recent claims, subscribe to direct deposit, monitor benefit coverage and update their personal information. To create your online profile follow the steps below:

  1. Visit (select your school, and click the "eProfile" title)
  2. Click "Register Now" (you must have an active insurance status and valid email address to register)
    • Your Group Number is: 100003
    • Your Certificate Number is : N_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (N followed by your 9 digit student number)
  3. Direct Deposit is optional. You can sign up any time under "My Account"
  4. Finally, you will receive an email confirm from "eProfile System" containing your login information (make sure to log into your account within 15 days, otherwise your registration information will expire).

Please do not use your Online Profile to submit a claim for the below services:

  • Hospital and physician visits

  • Emergency room visits

  • Walk-in clinics

  • Blood test

  • X-rays and ultrasounds

  • Diagnostic imaging

These claims can only be submitted by email to and requires the Health Care claim forms. The forms can be downloaded from the Morcare website under Booklets & Form section.