Inclement Weather Statement

It is the policy of Seneca to provide a safe learning and working environment for students, staff and campus visitors.

With the exception of the December holiday break and statutory holidays, Seneca remains open every day. On occasion, severe weather conditions or other emergencies such as utility failures or floods may require an individual building, campus or all of Seneca to close in the interest of safety. Should this action be necessary, Seneca will provide as much notice as possible on www.senecacollege.caMy.Seneca, Seneca’s Facebook and Twitter pages and through local media.

Unless the campus/Seneca is officially closed due to severe weather conditions or other emergencies, employees are required to be at work. Employees absent from work due to weather conditions will be required to utilize a vacation day, lieu day or a leave of absence without pay.

Information for Students

If you feel that road conditions are too poor for travel to Seneca and cannot attend a class, contact your professor and/or another student in your class for assignments. If you want to email your professor, remember that all Seneca employee emails are