Advanced Investigations and Enforcement

Program Learning Outcomes

This Seneca program has been validated by the Credential Validation Service as an Ontario College Credential as required by the Ministry of Colleges and Universities.

As a graduate, you will be prepared to reliably demonstrate the ability to:

  • Analyze situations and synthesize the various policies, procedures, legislation, social issues and community resources applicable to make appropriate decisions.
  • Integrate legislative, professional, organizational and ethical standards to develop a personal code of conduct.
  • Communicate professionally and effectively in all aspects of investigation, enforcement and community involvement.
  • Utilize technology effectively in the execution of policing duties in both routine and complex situations.
  • Utilize effective critical thinking, problem-solving decision making and multi-tasking in complex situations.
  • Integrate physical activity, fitness and wellness standards into the development of a personal lifestyle.
  • Integrate effective team/leadership/relationships building capabilities to promote effective and harmonious workplaces and community relations within a diverse society.
  • Apply specialized investigative methods in securing, searching, recording, collecting, preserving and evaluating of evidence for enforcement and prosecution of offences including generating appropriate, accurate and comprehensive reports and legal documentation.
  • Illustrate a commitment to self-development and life long learning in the field of policing through the selection and implementation of effective strategies.
  • Utilize appropriate conflict and crisis management techniques during dispute resolution and in potentially dangerous situations.