Cosmetic Techniques and Management

Program Learning Outcomes

This Seneca program has been validated by the Credential Validation Service as an Ontario College Credential as required by the Ministry of Colleges and Universities.

As a graduate, you will be prepared to reliably demonstrate the ability to:

  • Understand the formulation, use, and applications of cosmetics products.
  • Understand the principles of sales promotion and how to sell effectively.
  • Create appropriate displays for both retail and salon operations, along with the knowledge of store planning and design.
  • Study colour theory and art principles involved in the appreciation of colour, texture and design as applied to their use in make-up application and display and promotion techniques.
  • Understand the structure and function of the human body as these relate to the practice of cosmetic techniques.
  • Understand the elements of biology that relate to the structure function and disorders of the skin, and be able to understand and use the various products which are used in care and treatment of skin.
  • Select, recommend, demonstrate and apply various types of make-up products for the retail consumer.
  • Understand the general concepts of human nutrition that promote good health, and the factors that modify normal nutrition such as physical and emotional stress, illness, dieting, and food prejudice.
  • Compose business communication in standard English which communicates effectively with a particular audience for a specific purpose, and demonstrate the ability to read and comprehend written English in the business environment.
  • Be able to give an oral presentation, and participate in, observe, and summarize the deliberations of meetings and seminars.
  • Understand the various methods of bookkeeping, inventory control and management of a cosmetic line or counter, as well as sales planning, merchandise mix, buying, and forecasting.
  • Develop a market plan including strategy, objectives and tactical elements of budgeting and planning.
  • Understand the concepts of organizational structures that exist in the retailing manufacturing and salon service areas of the industry and the operation of a small business.