Information Technology Acceptable Use Policy


This Policy outlines the underlying principles and rules that govern the use of Seneca’s Information Technology (IT) Resources.

Seneca’s IT Resources support the learning, teaching, research and work related activities of students, employees, and others affiliated with Seneca and the use of these resources is a privilege extended to the Seneca community. Users of these resources have access to valuable Seneca assets and to sensitive data. Consequently, it is important for users to behave ethically, responsibly and all in a legal manner.


This policy governs the use of “IT Resources”, which include IT services, facilities and equipment that Seneca owns, operates, or sources from external parties for the use of students, employees and others affiliated with Seneca that need to access IT Resources. All information stored in any form on IT Resources (e.g., in documents, video streams, audio recordings, etc.) and all communications transmitted in any manner using IT Resources are governed by this Policy.

This Policy also governs the use of social networking by students, under Seneca’s Student Code of Conduct, and employees, under Seneca’s Social Media Policy and other applicable employee-focused policies.

Key definitions

IT services

Facilitates the use of technology, including but not limited to all services provided relating to wired and wireless connection, email, collaboration platforms, enterprise resource planning systems, voice, printing, as well as Seneca-provisioned software and applications such as collaboration and digital learning tools and cloud-based resources.

IT resources

IT services, facilities and equipment (e.g. workstations, laptops, printers, etc.) Seneca owns, operates, or sources from external parties for the use of students, employees and others.

Personal computing device

Any computing device owned by an individual, including, but not limited to, a laptop, smartphone, handheld device or tablet computer.

Social networking

Any forms of online presences or publications including, but not limited to, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, blogs, wikis, emails, etc. that provide a platform for individuals to engage in networking activities, or publish information on the Internet.

Social messaging or chat applications including, but not limited to, WhatsApp, iMessage, SMS, MMS, etc. that are built around social networking platforms are within scope.


1. Policy statement

2. Policy requirements

  1. Anyone using Seneca IT Resources must comply with all applicable laws, the specific rules set out in this Policy and all other Seneca policies as they apply, as well as Seneca’s published Privacy Notice. Please refer to the “Related Seneca policies” and “Related materials” for a non-exhaustive list of applicable laws and Seneca policies that may govern the use of IT Resources.

3. General use

  1. The use of IT Resources is primarily for academic learning, teaching, research or working purposes. Seneca permits limited personal use of IT Resources on the conditions listed below in the “Acceptable use” section. Please note that personal use is subject to Seneca’s right of access that is described in section 9 below.
  2. Individuals who wish to engage in personal use with an expectation of privacy should use a personal computing device without using Seneca’s IT Resources.

4. Acceptable use

  1. Use of IT Resources for academic learning, teaching, research or working purposes on behalf of Seneca.
  2. Limited use of Seneca IT Resources for personal use is permitted provided that such use:
    • does not adversely impact the daily work/learning outcomes of Seneca students and employees
    • does not cause IT service issues of any magnitude
    • does not violate any other provisions of this Policy.

5. Unacceptable use

  1. It is a violation of Seneca’s policy to:
    • access Seneca equipment, facilities, networks, information or accounts without authorization
    • use or access another individual’s information technology account with or without the individual’s permission unless it is carried out by Seneca for legitimate purposes as described in section 9
    • grant another individual access to one’s own information technology account by sharing a password
    • share access links and credentials (e.g. meeting passwords) with individuals who, based on their roles and responsibilities, are not entitled to have access
    • use IT Resources to intentionally interfere with the work of other students, employees or Seneca officials
    • use IT Resources to intentionally interfere with the normal operation of IT Resources including, but not limited to, flooding the network with messages, sending chain letters or pyramid solicitations, spreading viruses, etc.
    • use, disclose, copy, modify or delete information stored on IT Resources without authorization
    • process or permanently store identifiable student or employee personal information using portable media devices or non-Seneca endorsed IT Resources
    • display, transmit, distribute or make available information that expresses or implies discrimination or an intention to discriminate
    • use IT Resources for personal commercial or financial gain or for political causes without filing a disclosure of conflict statement and receiving authorization under Seneca’s Conflict of Interest Policy
    • gather other individuals’ personal information under false pretenses or for unlawful gain
    • access, create, publish or communicate information that is obscene, pornographic, abusive, defamatory, derogatory, threatening, violent or harassing, including material that may interfere with other individuals’ rights under the Human Rights Code or the Occupational Health and Safety Act
    • create, distribute and/or link to offending materials that conflict with rights and interests protected by Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the Human Rights Code or the Criminal Code
    • use IT Resources for any purpose that violate the Criminal Code
    • use IT Resources for any purpose (e.g. upload material) that is not in accordance with the Copyright Act, Seneca’s Copyright Policy and Fair Dealing Policy for Copyright-Protected Work
    • use IT Resources to collect, use, or disclose personal information in breach of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
    • send bulk electronic messages without express authorization from Seneca or not in compliance with Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation
    • engage in personal use that breaches the conditions set out in the Acceptable section above.

6. Email communications

  1. All Emails created or transmitted on IT Resources must comply with the rules for use of Seneca IT Resources set out above.
  2. It is expected that students use their Seneca provisioned email accounts when communicating with Seneca employees and external organizations, that employees use their Seneca provisioned email accounts when communicating with students, fellow employees and external organizations, for academic learning, teaching, research or other business related purposes on behalf of Seneca. 

7. Social networking

  1. The use of IT Resources to engage in social networking and publish information on the internet is subject to all the rules set out above. In addition to the Student Code of Conduct (that governs student use of social media) and the Social Media Policy (that governs the use of social networking by employees), Seneca prohibits the following activities:
    • publishing any Seneca information on social networking or the Internet that is confidential and has not been approved for public disclosure
    • implicitly or explicitly giving the impression that comments, opinions, statements made on social networking or the Internet represent the views/beliefs/stance of Seneca without prior approval from Seneca
    • publishing comments, opinions or statements that are likely to interfere with students’ or employees’ rights under the Human Rights Code or the Occupational Health and Safety Act
    • publishing comments, opinions or statements that are likely to adversely affect Seneca’s reputation or otherwise affect its ability to achieve its mandate
    • participating in online activity in a manner likely to adversely affect Seneca’s reputation or otherwise affect its ability to achieve its mandate.
  2. Note that publishing information on social networking that can only be accessed by a limited number of people is still “publishing” under this Policy.

8. Personal computing devices

  1. Students, employees and others may connect personal computing devices (e.g., laptops, handheld devices, tablet computers or similar devices) to Seneca’s network. However, use of personal computing devices on Seneca’s network is subject to all the rules for use of Seneca IT Resources set out above and is subject to Seneca’s right of access, described in section 9 below. Seneca may, when necessary to an ongoing lawful investigation, ask to examine relevant information in a personal device and make copies of relevant information. Individuals who deny Seneca access may face consequences (section 9) for failing to cooperate.

9. Enforcement, privacy and consequences of policy violations

  1. Students, employees, and clients are responsible for reporting all suspected infractions of this Policy to the IT Security and Compliance Office at
  2. Seneca may access and use all information and data stored on and communicated through its IT Resources for lawful purposes, including to facilitate work in an employee’s absence, to conduct routine technical administration, to routinely audit system use, to investigate suspicions of improper system use and other misconduct and to comply with legal obligations. Individuals who engage in personal use of Seneca IT Resources are deemed to accept that Seneca has this right of access and may raise no expectation of privacy that prevents Seneca from accessing and using information and data for its legitimate purposes.
  3. When it suspects a Policy violation, Seneca may restrict access to IT Resources pending completion of an investigation. When it finds a Policy violation, Seneca will exercise its rights to take appropriate disciplinary action including, but not limited to:
    • verbal/written warnings
    • rescinding/suspending/restricting access to IT resources
    • removal of materials from Seneca computer equipment facilities and networks
    • behavioural contract, suspension and/or expulsion from Seneca for students
    • educational sanction or undertaking as per the Student Code of Conduct
    • disciplinary action and/or termination of employment for employees.
  4. In addition to internal sanctions that may impact a student's academic eligibility or employee’s employment, Seneca may report suspected violations of the law to law enforcement and will cooperate with any resulting police investigation. Seneca is not responsible for sanctions imposed on individuals by law enforcement pursuant to such reports.

For further information contact the IT Security and Compliance Office at

Supporting documentation

  • None.

Related Seneca policies

Related materials

Approval Date: January 2007

Last Revision Date: January 2022