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2. Providing students at the centre of a strong community with access to pathways, relevant services, and that celebrates its achievements.

Great Student Experiences

Initiatives for 2012-13 Performance indicators/ measurable outcomes Projected Status Update as of March 31, 2013
Review Seneca's endowment and investment policies and practices to ensure sustainability and predictability of student support. Revised investment and disbursement policies approved and implemented. In Progress: Draft policies developed.
Ensure timely delivery of financial assistance to students. Working group with student representation established to review financial aid policies. Plan developed to streamline delivery of assistance. In Progress: Working group established and policies under review.
Continue analysis of factors affecting completion rates and satisfaction-related Key Performance Indicators. Report on students entering Seneca with previous university experience completed and data baseline developed. Achieved: Report completed and baseline data confirmed.
Early warning system for students in academic distress pilot completed. Fall 2012 semester results evaluated. Rescheduled: Pilot extended into 2013-14.
At least 200 staff trained on enhanced supports/approach for First Generation students. Not Achieved: Change in direction for staff training occurred.
College University Consortium Council-approved transfer research project completed in summer 2012. Rescheduled: Project timelines revisited and further opportunities explored.
Provide meaningful orientation supports for students. Orientation practices across all campuses reviewed with aim of ensuring common, meaningful orientation experience. Standardized approach developed in consultation with Dean of Students, Events Team and the Seneca Student Federation. Achieved: Improved orientation events held across all campuses reflecting a coordinated, cross-college approach. More program changes planned to include greater participation by individual schools.
Increase mentoring opportunities for students and alumni. Online mentoring portal to connect students and alumni created and promoted. Achieved: Online mentoring program developed, promoted and launched. 596 alumni, current students and employees are members as of March 2013.
Move forward with the integration of student services. Completion of operational planning supporting the achievement of 2012- 17 Strategic Plan's priority areas. In Progress: Operational planning is ongoing due to staffing changes.
Expansion of student success programs across all Seneca campuses. Achieved: Increased Student Success initiatives launched at all campuses, including workshops and pre-advisement services through the Foundations for Success program.
New student services centre launched for Fall 2012 to deliver "first stop shopping" for students with multiple student services relocated and clustered in renovated space at Newnham. Achieved: New Student Services centre launched in May 2012. More students now utilizing services colocated in one area at the Newnham Campus. In Fall 2012, more than 1,000 students attended one-on-one service appointments and workshops in the renovated space.
Review approach to student health, counseling and disability services. Evaluation completed and new service delivery model for student health, counseling and disability services created based on best practices. In Progress: New service delivery model developed for the disability services including standards of operating practice. Student health and counseling services model evaluation delayed due to staffing changes.
Create new Student Life facilities in alignment with Seneca's Campus Master Plans. Functional space program created for King build based on consultations with the Seneca Student Federation and Seneca Athletic Association. Design consultations held. Newnham Student Build plans advanced. Achieved: King Campus functional space program and blocking and stacking completed.
Enhance technology across Seneca campuses. Wireless upgrades completed for 4 main campuses. Consultations held with the Seneca Student Federation and Centre for Academic Excellence to identify potential wireless access improvements. Achieved: Number of users accessing wireless doubled. Significant decrease in wirelessrelated issues reported.
New student email system implemented (Microsoft Office 365 for Education). Achieved: New email and instant message system, including online file storage, and web-based access for students successfully launched.
Virtual desktop and virtual application pilot project initiated in collaboration with Seneca Student Federation and Centre for Academic Excellence. In Progress: Work continues on virtual desktop delivery across College systems. Ongoing into 2013-2014.
Seneca Mobile application for students released. Achieved: A Seneca app for iPhone, Blackberry and Android phones was launched in May 2012.
Increase functionality of One Card system for students and employees. Move to 'cashless' option for photocopying, food services, bookstore and vending machines achieved. In Progress: Revamped OneCard system introduced. Expansion of use to campus bookstores and food services ongoing into 2013-14.
Improve transitions and supports for international students 10 per cent of international students to participate in 'Cultural Orientation for Academic Success' program. In Progress: Metrics currently being collected to evaluate program success.
Participate in the international student barometer survey. Identify areas for improvement based on survey results and create actions plans to address issues raised. In Progress: Survey participation underway.
Online Student Mentoring in Life and Education program for international students piloted. In Progress: Web-based Student Mentoring in Life and Education program helped to share student services information to international students. 5 international mentors and 6 mentees involved in the pilot with students benefiting from telephone, inperson and email interactions.
Implement systematic approach to promoting Seneca's successes Review of internal and external communication strategies and materials completed. Achieved: Comprehensive external review of marketing and communications strategies and materials completed.
Social media activities embedded in all communication strategies. In Progress: Social media strategy terms of reference developed with strategy to be completed in 2013-14.
Review positioning of Seneca's brand and ensure alignment with 2012-17 Strategic Plan. Advertising agency selected and new campaign developed and launched. In Progress: Advertising agency secured and creative process underway.
Redevelopment of Seneca website based on completed web audit and additional stakeholder feedback. Achieved: New website template created, tested and launched.
Promote our faculty, alumni and partners' contributions. At least one academic event held per term featuring activities/work/research of Seneca staff and at least one involving external participants. Achieved: More than 40 divisional events held with support of advancement.
New alumni advisory group launched. Divisional alumni events held as part of the Pillar Sponsorship program. In Progress: Alumni Council mandate and terms of reference approved; recruitment strategies developed and launched. Formal Alumni Council launch event to be held in Fall 2013.
Leverage technological capacity to reach out more effectively to our communities. Mobile application platform to promote services and disseminate information to alumni introduced. Achieved: A Seneca app for iPhone, Blackberry and Android phones was launched in May 2012.
Social media involvement across the college increased. Achieved: Increase in social media activity on Facebook and Twitter has resulted in approximately 16,000 new likes and followers across Seneca's official accounts. Social media strategy currently in development.
Provide timely communication about new philanthropic investments. Annual stewardship and accountability reports for major philanthropic investment accounts delivered. Achieved: Annual giving report published and distributed to all alumni, donors and friends.