School of Fashion

Ann Mariani

Ann Mariani

Esthetician, Esthetics & Spa Therapies

Ann Mariani is a professor in Seneca’s Esthetician and Esthetics & Spa Therapies programs. She is accredited by and sits on the Canadian board of the Comité International d’Esthétique et de Cosmétologie (CIDESCO), recognized as the world standard for beauty and spa therapy. Ms. Mariani attended CIDESCO’s annual international esthetic congress and exhibition in Seoul, South Korea and Zurich, Switzerland and was the Canadian representative at the opening ceremony in 2011. She has been instrumental in making Seneca one of the first Ontario colleges to become CIDESCO-certified, enabling students the opportunity to obtain their international designation. In 2018, Ms. Mariani completed her master’s degree in arts – Leading Innovation and Change at York St. John University.