10 Weeks (30 Hours)
Credential Awarded


Session 1: Deconstructing human trafficking: challenging myths and stereotypes (synchronous/asynchronous)

This first session will provide the general framework for the course and discuss some persisting myths about human trafficking.

Session 2 : Gender dimension of exploitation (synchronous/asynchronous)

Enhance your understanding of the role gender plays in shaping anti-trafficking policies.

Session 3: Complexity of choice- challenging the binary approach (synchronous/asynchronous)

Enhance your awareness about the complexity of choice shifting from the binary approach to improving service delivery.

Session 4: Spectrum of exploitation through trauma informed, anti-oppression lenses (synchronous/asynchronous)

Improve your ability to apply the do no harm model when engaging in various aspects of the anti-human trafficking work.

Session 5: Exploring intersectional experience in human trafficking (synchronous/asynchronous)

Improve your understanding of survivors’ experiences based on diverse intersecting identities.

Session 6: Exploring intersectionalities: migration (synchronous/asynchronous)

Enhance your knowledge of the existing systems and tools to provide holistic support to exploited migrants.

Session 7: Exploring intersectionalities: sex work and the 3C approach (synchronous/asynchronous)

Enhance your critical understanding of sex work and ability to deliver support within the 3C (choice, circumstances, coercion) framework.

Session 8: Law enforcement and criminal justice- bridging the gap (synchronous/asynchronous)

Deepen your ability to interact with the criminal justice systems to provide meaningful support to survivors of exploitation.

Session 9: Inclusion of survivor voices: transformative leadership and awareness campaigns (synchronous/asynchronous)

Enhance your ability for meaningful inclusion of survivors’ voices in any aspect of anti-human trafficking work.

Session 10: Networking and advocacy (synchronous/asynchronous)

Enhance your ability to select partnerships and design appropriate advocacy strategies to address systemic oppression and harmful practices impacting survivors of exploitation.