REB Templates

Recruitment Samples

There are many ways of recruiting participants (email, in person, posters, announcement, social media post, etc.) Recruitment materials typically give participants a short explanation of what the study is about and what participation will involve. Recruitment information does not replace a Letter of Information.

Please note: Seneca does not generally allow posters to be posted on campus to recruit participants. If you are recruiting participants on a Seneca campus, you may need to apply for permissions to set up a table or to post an announcement on My.Seneca.

Samples of common recruitment materials include:


Letters of Information and Consent Form Samples

The letter of information should provide all the details about the purpose of the study, what the participants will be required to do, how confidentiality will be maintained, how participants can withdraw, the risks and benefits of the study.

The information in the letter should be consistent with the information given in the REB application document. A consent form should also be attached to the letter of information.

Samples include:


Confidentiality Samples

Sometimes researchers employ assistants to work on research projects. In this case, all employees must maintain the same level of confidentiality as the researchers named on the application. Having research assistants sign a confidentiality agreement such as the sample below is encouraged as a best practice:

In the case of a focus group, participants may feel more comfortable answering questions in a group setting if there is some assurance that what they say will be kept in confidence by other participants. In the case of focus groups, it is a best practice to have participants sign confidentiality agreements such as the sample below:


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