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2018-19 In-year Developments

New provincial government

On June 7, 2018, the Progressive Conservative party won a majority government in the Ontario general election, representing a significant shift in priorities for the provincial government. The election also brought new elected representation from different parties to each of our campus locations.

Seneca works diligently with the government to help advance student success and the college sector. Initiatives undertaken this year include: 

  • Interactions with elected officials and public servants to gain understanding about government priorities in the areas of funding, accountability, the next phases of the Strategic Mandate Agreement, job creation and business development
  • Informing advocacy efforts, facilitated by Colleges Ontario
  • MPP tours of the teaching and learning spaces at Seneca’s Newnham, King and Peterborough campuses, designed to build understanding of Seneca’s priorities, programs and impacts.

Humber-Seneca Polytechnic Partnership

On May 31, 2018 Humber and Seneca announced the Humber-Seneca Polytechnic Partnership (HSPP), an agreement to enhance access for our students to further learning opportunities and to cooperate on a number of planning and development fronts.

The HSPP launched with two transfer pathways:

  • Seneca’s graphic design diploma to Humber’s creative advertising honours degree
  • Humber’s computer programmer diploma to Seneca’s software development honours degree.

Both institutions continue to work on developing more pathway opportunities and operational efficiencies in support of the HSSP. This is the latest in a series of partnership agreements Seneca has established with college colleagues, including pathways to our programs from several small, northern and rural colleges. It also reflects a new emphasis we are putting on building a stronger network within the Ontario postsecondary system beyond our traditional partners.